Hi, How Can We Help You?

Project Loans

Project Loans


Infrastructure Finance

We can provide major finance facilities for medium and large infrastructure projects globally. Our focus is on energy, ports, transportation including railways and buildings. Sovereign or PPP (public private partnership) can be accommodated up to very large amounts.

In addition, Delta Offshore Limited has links to a number of major EPC companies which means where necessary we can provide EPC+F  solutions for construction projects including BOT or BOOT models.

Consideration can also be given to refinancing completed projects.

Development and
Property Finance

We will consider projects in the following sectors in both the public and private sectors:

Our minimum finance amount is US$100 million (US$50m in some cases) or equivalent in EUR or GBP, much larger amounts can be accommodated. We will also consider highly leveraged projects.

We have a flexible rather than restrictive approach with assessment based on overall merit. Either private or PPP (public private partnership) can be considered.

Brokers protected.

  • energy
  • transportation
  • commercial and mixed use
  • hospitality
  • healthcare
  • mining in rare earth metals and minerals and precious metals (not exploration)
  • consideration can also be given to refinancing completed developments.


With our in depth knowledge, experience and capital market access we can provide debt raising solutions using bond structuring and placement for certain asset classes. Please enquire for more information.

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